Internal Data Guide

This is a collection of data and equations which are thought to be useful for strategic purposes.

The details recorded here are verified by volunteers, so it is possible that there are errors.

CD Sales Amounts

Sales = ((((buying power ÷ 2) + (high score × 4) rounded down) × sales bonus × sales coefficient) rounded down.

Buying power: total of the fan count × attention rate for each area. Attention rate: pink: 0.95; amber: 0.90; green: 0.85; blue: 0.80

High score: the high score for that song

Sales bonus: a bonus for the 2nd and subsequent songs. 2nd: 1.05; 3rd:1.10; 4th: 1.15; 5th: 1.20

Sales coefficient: decay in sales as weeks pass after release. Sales coefficient = (1 - (weeks after release - keep count) × 0.25)

A worked example

week 25, 3rd song high score 45297 1st week of release

(7741 + 7763 + 58624 + 59329 + 114498 + 88874) / 2 = 168414.5

45297 * 4 = 181188

168414.5 + 181188 = 349602.5 → 349602

349602 * 1.10 * 1 = 384562.2

Actual sales were 384,564, so it's fairly consistent.

I tried making a calculator (Japanese, could be nice to have but we can't do JavaScript here so we would have to link off-site too...)

Sales during Break or Revival

The sales coefficient equation above changes to fixed amounts after a break or revival

Break: 1.2→1.0→0.6→0.3

Super Break: 2.5→1.5→1.0→0.5

Revival: 0.8→0.6→0.4→0.2

Attention Rate

Attention Rate Summary

From the information in >>883's post on thread 7

I don't really know if this is applicable to transitions in the early stages of the game. I think it's only really useful as a reference, but it's useful information so I have copied and incorporated it into the information above.

Attention rate changes:

    • on completion of activity (increases in response to the activity);
    • at the end of the week (always -1)
    • fan count decay takes place each week after these occur.
    • Changes of attention rate depending on the activity:
    • Displayed icon and fan decay depending on the attention rate

For S→A and B→C the decay rate is quite heavy, but A→B becomes a point of control.

Consequently, you could say the following:

    • from the middle stages onwards when the fan count becomes high, not letting it decay is of high importance
    • don't let attention rate fall too far in areas with a high fan count
    • after hitting attention rate B, it is effective to hold a live or similar
    • the move from S to A does decay somewhat more in comparison, so with lives, keep every area at S... profit?

Attention Rate Summary (Revised)

Attention rate changes:

    • on completion of activity (increases in response to the activity), however, the limit is 80;
    • when there is a reporter with you, it is increased to (base increase × reporter effect) rounded down;
    • at the end of the week (always -12)
    • fan count decay takes place each week after these occur. the remainder becomes sales;
    • the attention rate at start of play is 54.
    • Changes of attention rate depending on the activity:
    • Reporter effects (fan count / attention rate increase multiplier)
      • Yamahara (山原) : 1.2
      • Ariake (有明) : 1.4
    • Fan count increase equation

(basic fan count increase × reporter effect), fractions rounded down.

If you lose at a festival, this is multiplied by 0.6 and rounded down. This is a digression, but even if you lose at a festival, the amount of money you receive will not change.

    • Displayed icon and fan decay depending on the attention rate